homalg |
A homological algebra meta-package for computable Abelian categories |
deposited |
4ti2Interface |
A link to 4ti2 |
deposited |
alcove |
A package for algebraic combinatorics |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
dev |
AlgebraicThomas |
Constructible sets via algebraic Thomas decomposition |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
dev |
ArangoDBInterface |
A GAP interface to ArangoDB |
dev |
Blocks |
Tools for block theory |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
dev |
D-Modules |
A homalg based package for D-modules |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
dev |
ExamplesForHomalg |
Examples for the GAP Package homalg |
deposited |
Gauss |
Extended Gauss functionality for GAP |
deposited |
GaussForHomalg |
Gauss functionality for the homalg project |
deposited |
GradedModules |
A homalg based package for the Abelian category of finitely presented graded modules over computable graded rings |
deposited |
GradedRingForHomalg |
Endow Commutative Rings with an Abelian Grading |
deposited |
HomalgToCAS |
A window to the outer world |
deposited |
IO_ForHomalg |
IO capabilities for the homalg project |
deposited |
LessGenerators |
Find smaller generating sets for modules |
dev |
LocalizeRingForHomalg |
A Package for Localization of Polynomial Rings |
deposited |
LoopIntegrals |
Compute master integrals using commutative and noncommutative methods from computational algebraic geometry |
dev |
MatricesForHomalg |
Matrices for the homalg project |
deposited |
MatroidGeneration |
Generate low-rank matroids |
dev |
Modules |
A homalg based package for the Abelian category of finitely presented modules over computable rings |
deposited |
NConvex |
A Gap package to perform polyhedral computations |
deposited |
OscarForHomalg |
A homalg interface to components of OSCAR using the GAP package JuliaInterface |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
dev |
ParallelizedIterators |
Parallely evaluate recursive iterators |
dev |
PrimaryDecomposition |
Tools for primary decomposition |
dev |
RingsForHomalg |
Dictionaries of external rings |
deposited |
SCO - Simplicial Cohomology of Orbifolds |
deposited |
Sheaves |
A homalg based Package for Sheaf Algorithms |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
dev |
ToolsForHomalg |
Special methods and knowledge propagation tools |
deposited |